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What's it about?
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What's it about?
What's it about?
What's it about?
What's it about?
What's it about?
What's it about?
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Please note that this form is only for authors, composers and publishers. Are you a customer? Then please go to unisono.be.
Please also send in the error code
ID Declaration, title, if one represents another IP (manager), for which IP is the question?
ID Declaration, title, if one represents another IP (manager), for which IP is the question?
Application nbr, agreement nbr
WIC, work's title, file format, file size
Declaration concert nr, performer's name, concert date, if one represents another IP (manager) for which IP is the request?
Name and date of the settlement? If one represents several IP's, for which IP is the question?
WIC and title found in Played & Unpaid, WIC and title correct in the database
WIC, title, if one represents another IP (manager), for which IP is the question?
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If you have any questions, please consult our list of frequently asked questions.

You did not find the answer to your question? Contact us via our contact form. This way, your question will be treated with priority.

Do you still want to reach us by phone? You can reach us every working day between 9.30 am and 1 pm, on 02 286 82 11.



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