You have to apply for a licence at least 5 days before the start of the event or the daily use of music.
If you apply for your licence too late, the amount due will increase by 15% (with a minimum of € 45).
If you don’t apply for a licence at all or your application is incomplete, the amount due will increase by 15% (with a minimum of € 100).
If you only have to pay copyright royalties or the Fair Remuneration, then the above minimum amounts will be halved.
How can we help you?
Copyright royalties are a fee for authors, composers and publishers. They are entitled to this fee when their works are used in public. For example, if you use or show works by composers, writers, filmmakers,… at your event or in your business.
The Fair Remuneration, i.e. the banner under which neighbouring rights royalties are invoiced, is a fee for music producers, artists and musicians. They are entitled to this fee when their (music) recording is played in public. For example, if you play recorded music during an event or in the background in a bar, restaurant, hairdressing salon, shop, etc.
Using audiovisual works
To organise a film screening in a public setting, you need to arrange the screening rights (for the images) and the music rights (for the music in the film).
Are you planning on playing music before or after the film or during the interval? Then you will have to pay royalties for that as well.
Screening rights
You can contact Bevrijdingsfilms (responsible for the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) or Libération Films (responsible for the French-speaking part of Belgium).
Tel.: 016/23 29 35
Libération Films
Tel.: 02/217 48 47
In cooperation with most Belgian, major American, and several Dutch and French distributors, they manage the screening rights of over 15,000 titles.
Is the film not a part of their catalogue? Please contact the producer/distributor of the film. You can find this information on the cover of the film, video, DVD, etc.
Music in the film
You can arrange the music rights quickly and easily at MyUnisono. Do this at least five days before the screening to avoid extra costs. You can find the rate here: Dutch – French.
You can arrange not only the screening rights but also the music rights via Bevrijdingsfilms. Be sure to check with them and make it easy on yourself.
Music before/after the film or during the interval
The Fair Remuneration is also owed for this use of music. Please apply for your licence at least five days before the screening via MyUnisono. You can find the rate here: Dutch – French.
You can use existing film material provided that you have the written permission of the owner of the footage (production house, film producer, TV station,…). You have to contact the owner yourself.
Audiovisual work
DJ licence
You can easily do this via our website.
Once you have submitted your request, you will receive a confirmation email and an invoice with the fee for the remaining months of the year. Once we have received your payment, we will send you the DJ licence. The licence is valid until 31 December and will be renewed automatically afterwards.
In 2025, the annual fee for a DJ licence is € 271,14 excluding VAT.
If you apply for a DJ licence during the year, we will calculate the fee for the remaining months of the year. In December, you will automatically receive an invoice for the renewal of your DJ licence for one year.
You can stop your DJ licence at any time via the contact form.
Releasing a CD or DVD
For a music DVD (e.g. recording of a concert), please submit your application for reproduction via eLicensing (FR version - NL version).
The collection amounts to 8% on the retail price (excl. VAT), with an absolute minimum of:
- € 0.2576 for 2 works / max. 10 min.
- € 0.3968 for 4 works / max. 20 min.
- € 0.8312 for 18 works / max. 80 min.
If it concerns the reproduction of an audiovisual production containing musical works from the Sabam repertoire, you need a licence. Please provide us with the form ‘Licence application for the use of music in an audiovisual production’ FR - NL (for the sake of clarity: an audiovisual production has music in the background, whereas a music DVD has music in the foreground.)
The fee due corresponds to 3.5% of the wholesale price. We take into account the duration of the music in relation to the total duration of the film. However, it is important to note that a minimum fee of € 0.11 per copy applies (or per DVD if it concerns a box).
Are the director(s) and/or screenwriter(s) also affiliated to Sabam? Then you pay an additional fee that corresponds to 6.10% of the wholesale price (with a minimum fee of € 0.19 per copy or per DVD if it concerns a box).
Attention: we cannot decide whether or not you may use a certain track in an audiovisual work. You have to arrange this directly with the rightholders or their publisher and possibly the producer of the recording. You can look up the contact details of the rightholders via our website.
If you want to release a sound carrier (CD, DVD, record, etc.), you must first provide us with an application for reproduction. You can easily do this via MyUnisono (FR version - NL version).
After we have processed your application, we will send the ‘permission to press’ both to you and to the presser. However, the permission only becomes final after payment of the invoice.
The collection amounts to:
- € 0.2576 for a single (2 works / max. 10min.)
- € 0.3968 for a maxi single (4 works / max. 20min.)
- € 0.8312 for an album (18 works / max. 80min.)
The rate is per copy and is increased by 6% VAT.
For your information:
Under ‘label’ you fill in the name of the music label. If you release the work yourself, you can choose any name you want. As far as Sabam is concerned, your label name has then been created and no further formalities need to be completed.
Under ‘catalogue number’ you enter the catalogue number of the release. A catalogue number is always ascending. If you self-release the work, please use an abbreviation of the label name and the numbers 01 for your first release.
Under ‘graphic reproduction’, please only tick ‘yes’ if you are using protected images on the cover of the work.
Be sure to take a look at our brochure for music on a sound carrier (FR - NL).
Do you want to use a protected song in a video you made? In that case, you must first and foremost obtain permission from the publisher. Contact details for the publisher can be found in our catalogue.
Also keep in mind that in addition to the copyright (managed by an authors' society such as Sabam) there are also neighbouring rights (such as the rights of the producer who is responsible for the recording). If you want to make certain videos available on the Internet, the producers must grant you permission beforehand.
Organising an event
Are you organising an event? Then you can apply for a licence via MyUnisono (FR version - NL version), our online registration module with which you can submit an application in just a few clicks. Don’t forget to do this at least 5 days in advance.
You can also consult our general terms and conditions and rates in Dutch or in French on our website.
We will process your application for the event. If there is any information missing, we will contact you by mail. You will receive the invoice afterwards.
If you organise a free event (no entrance fee, no artist fee, no sponsorship and no commercial purposes) that is not advertised and that takes place within the family circle, in this case, you do not need to obtain a license from Unisono.
Reproducing a work of visual art
Yes, there are. According to the Code of Economic Law, there are three exceptions where the author cannot oppose a reproduction:
- When short fragments of works or complete works of visual art are communicated to the public in a report on current events.
- In the case of reproduction and public communication for advertising purposes, public exhibitions or public sales of artistic works, in so far as it is necessary for the promotion of those events.
- When a work is quoted for the purpose of criticism, polemics, reviews, education, or in the context of scientific works. However, you do have to state the source and the name of the author.
All exceptions must be interpreted restrictively.
Visual arts
Here you will find the list of countries with which Sabam had concluded a reciprocal agreement.
Using music in a theatre play
If you use pre-existing music in your theatre play, the amount due depends on the number of minutes you play music. It is therefore important to provide us with a list of the songs along with their duration. You can find the rate here.
This rate only applies if the rightholders of the musical works that are used in the performance have given their prior consent for this use. Via this link you can consult our repertoire.
We ask you to report the receipts within eight days after a performance or after the last performance in a series of performances.
You can also do this at a later date if you ask us a substantiated question within eight days.
If you don't report your receipts on time, we will calculate the royalties due on the basis of a full venue.
Theatre & dance
Using music in a video
The synchronisation right is the right of the composer or publisher of a work to decide whether someone may use (a part of) his musical work in a different context than the original.
Examples of this are:
- in TV or cinema films with short, medium or long playing time and documentaries that can be viewed in the cinema or on TV
- commercial, promotional and/or advertising products, such as:
- gadgets
- tablets
- smartphones
- toys
- greeting cards
- merchandising
- audiovisual products
- multimedia product
- non-commercial productions
- advertisements
Here are the websites where you can find library music (also known as stock music or production music):
BMG Production Music Mr Tom Bakvis | Oude Amersfoortseweg 123-2 1212 AA Hilversum | (+31) 35 760 14 80 | | | |
CTM Entertainment Ms Benthe Waegeman | Barastraat 175 1070 Anderlecht | (02)560.21.15 | | | |
MUSIC & IMAGES Ms Annemie Hendrikx | Eugène Plaskylaan 179 1030 Brussel | (02)612.17.89 (0475)83.42.16 | | | |
SMI Production Music Ms Brigitte Mwani | Broosveldstraat 2A 3570 Alken | (0473)88.92.40 | | |
1. Existing music
Option 1: the work has been published.
Please contact the publisher(s). The contact details can be found in our online catalogue.
Option 2: the work has not been published.
Please contact us.
Existing recording
Follow option 1 or 2 and also contact the owner of the recording rights (i.e. the record company or the producer).
All rightholders may prohibit the use of their work. Are you allowed to use the work? Then they may determine the corresponding fee. There is no minimum or maximum fee.
2. Library music
Library music (also known as stock music or production music) consists of repertoire that has been composed and/or compiled to accompany audio(visual) productions.
Several publishers manage such a repertoire. They represent both the authors and the rightholders of the recordings.
Do you want to use library music? Please ask us for permission, because we manage the rights. It is not possible to obtain permission from one of the publishers.
You will find an overview of companies that sell library music on this page.
3. Original music
Do you have music composed for your production? Then you make a direct agreement with the composer. With this standard agreement, you can make clear arrangements.
Is the composer a member of Sabam or another authors' association? Then he will also register his work there.
4. Music from the public domain
Music from the public domain is free of copyright. This concerns works of which the surviving author or composer died more than seventy years ago.
Existing recording
Are you using an existing recording? If so, please contact the record company concerned first.
Using music in a business
Broadcasters such as CNN and Sporza also play advertising, reports and music during, before or after their sports or news broadcasts, so these include works that are represented by Unisono.
Send us an e-mail with your customer number and the number of the invoice of which you want to receive a duplicate. You will receive a copy by e-mail a few days later.
Daily use
Playlists & eLicensing
If the artist has already completed the playlist, ask him or her for the reference number. You can then specify this number via your MyUnisono account.
Please do so by filling in the required fields for one work and filling in the reference number as a comment.
Yes. Also in these cases it is useful for Unisono that you submit the playlist via MyUnisono (FR version - NL version). After all, we distribute the copyright royalties among the authors and composers involved based on your playlist.
If there is no playlist, we will distribute the royalties you paid over all playlists available for live performances or on the basis of ‘substitution lists' in case of a party.
Unisono’s aim is to grant licences for the repertoire:
- of the authors, represented by Sabam;
- of the performing artists, represented by PlayRight;
- and of the music producers, represented by Simim.
These three organisations represent the repertoires of their members and have concluded agreements with sister organisations abroad to also represent the rights of their members, and vice versa. This means that Unisono must also act on behalf of the members of other management organisations abroad. Unisono therefore does not only represent the repertoire of its Belgian members.
Playing foreign music in your business does not mean you don’t have to pay your Unisono invoice.