Are you planning to perform a play? Or do you want to organise a stand-up comedy event?

Then apply for a licence online via MyUnisono

Application for permission for theatre and dance (NL) - (FR)

The copyright royalties due are calculated on the basis of the following rates:

Rate for amateur theatre (NL) - (FR)

Rate for professional theatre companies (NL) - (FR)

Do you also use music in your performance? Please indicate this in your license application. You can find the applicable rates here:

Existing music in theatrical performances (NL) - (FR)

Scene music (NL) - (FR)


Synchronisation rights

As a theatre maker or production company, do you want to use existing music in your theatre or dance performance?  Then always ask the music publishers and the record company for permission beforehand.

This permission is called the synchronisation right. The publisher and record company decide whether you may use the work and in return for what fee. 

More information about synchronisation rights? Click here.

Contact Unisono