Reproduction of visual art means that you copy a picture of a work of visual art and make it public. This does not concern private reproductions within the family or as part of school activities.

In 1994 an act was passed which states that only the author of a literary work or work of art has the right to reproduce this work or to have it reproduced in whichever way and in whatever form. If this author (or his/her heirs) is a member of an authors' association, then you need approval from Unisono in Belgium.

Licence application and general conditions visual arts (NL) - (FR)


What are the conditions?

The conditions for approval are generally the following:

  • You respect the integrity of the work.
  • You mention the name of the author, the title of the work and "© Sabam Belgium 2016" under each reproduction.
  • You submit two proof copies of the publication to Unisono.
  • You pay the reproduction royalties.


Contact Unisono

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