You want to request a special arrangement because it is impossible for a large part of your staff to listen to music in the workplace, while other staff members do listen to music.

You can immediately use MyUnisono, our handy tool that allows you to manage your licence online.

By 'impossibility', Unisono means:

  • Technical impossibility: e.g. it is mandatory to wear headphones to prevent hearing damage.
  • Working with loud machines that exclude any music listening.
  • A physical reason such as deafness.


Special annual copyright rate (excl. 6% VAT)

To be eligible for the special annual rate, it must be impossible for at least 75% of the total number of FTEs on the social balance sheet as at 31 December of the previous year to listen to music in the workplace.

In that case, when calculating the rate, the number of FTEs is reduced by the number of FTEs for whom it is impossible to listen to music.

The following rates will then apply:


Music in the workplace
Reduced number of FTE COPYRIGHTS
consumer price index 133,54
1 to 10 196,36 €
11 to 25 353,40 €
26 to 50 680,66 €
51 to 100 759,17 €
101 to 200 1.439,84 €
201 to 500 3.010,55 €
501 to 1000 4.240,93 €
Each additional 100 FTE 327,24 €


Combination rate
Reduced number of FTE COPYRIGHTS
consumer price index 133,54
1 to 10 458,12 €
11 to 25 589,04 €
26 to 50 1.020,95 €
51 to 100 1.230,40 €
101 to 200 1.963,39 €
201 to 500 3.272,32 €
501 to 1000 4.834,05 €
Each additional 100 FTE 794,35 €


Staff parties
Reduced number of FTE COPYRIGHTS
consumer price index 133,54
1 to 10 130,88 €
11 to 25 261,78 €
26 to 50 392,68 €
51 to 100 523,58 €
101 to 200 850,82 €
201 to 500 1.636,17 €
501 to 1000 2.356,07 €
Each additional 100 FTE 327,24 €

If the reduced number of FTEs is less than 9 FTEs, then the tranche ‘1 to 10’ FTEs of the special rate applies.

If, according to the general rate, you fall in the tranche ‘9 to 10’ FTEs and you obtain a reduced number of FTEs that is less than 9 FTEs, then the tranche ‘9 to 10’ FTEs of the general rate remains applicable for the copyrights, but is reduced by 10%.


Annual rate applicable to the fair remuneration

For the fair remuneration, the calculation method of Art. 10 of the Royal Decree of 8 July 2018 concerning the fair remuneration applies. If the employer can demonstrate that the number of full-time equivalents as included in the social balance sheet does not correspond to the actual number of full-time equivalents in respect of whom a public performance of phonograms is performed, he must sufficiently substantiate the actual number of full-time equivalents in respect of whom a public performance is performed.

The following rates will then apply:


Music in the workplace
consumer price index 133,54
9 to 10 146,75 €
11 to 25 293,49 €
26 to 50 587,01 €
51 to 100 880,49 €
101 to 200 1.173,99 €
201 to 500 1.467,48 €
501 to 1000 1.761,00 €
Each additional 100 FTE 205,44 €


Combination rate
consumer price index 133,54
9 to 10 260,42 €
11 to 25 446,43 €
26 to 50 833,32 €
51 to 100 1.160,70 €
101 to 200 1.547,61 €
201 to 500 1.934,51 €
501 to 1000 2.321,41 €
Each additional 100 FTE 267,07 €


Staff parties
consumer price index 133,54
9 to 10 110,06 €
11 to 25 155,93 €
26 to 50 293,49 €
51 to 100 476,92 €
101 to 200 660,38 €
201 to 500 1.577,55 €
501 to 1000 3.045,03 €
Each additional 100 FTE 275,16 €

No fair remuneration is due if less than 9 FTEs can listen to music.

Contact Unisono