You are active in the transport sector and want to apply for a special arrangement.

You can immediately use MyUnisono, our handy tool that allows you to manage your licence online.

This special arrangement means that, when calculating the royalties due, you may deduct the number of transport permits from the number of full-time equivalents (FTE). In most cases, this leads to a lower invoice.

Music at the workplace

Reduced number of FTEs COPYRIGHTS
consumer price index 133,54
consumer price index 133,54
9 to 10 157,09 € 117,40 €
11 to 25 282,72 € 234,80 €
26 to 50

544,53 €

469,61 €
51 to 100 607,34 € 704,39 €
101 to 200 1.151,87 € 939,19 €
201 to 500 2.408,44 € 1.173,99 €
501 to 1000 3.392,75 € 1.408,80 €
Each additional 100 FTE 261,79 € 164,35 €

Combination rate

Reduced number of FTEs COPYRIGHTS
consumer price index 133,54
consumer price index 133,54
9 to 10 366,50 € 208,33 €
11 to 25 471,23 € 357,14 €
26 to 50 816,76 € 666,66 €
51 to 100 984,32 € 928,55 €
101 to 200 1.570,71 € 1.238,08 €
201 to 500 2.617,86 € 1.547,61 €
501 to 1000 3.874,44 € 1.857,12 €
Each additional 100 FTE 628,28 € 213,66 €

Staff Parties

Reduced number of FTEs
consumer price index 133,54
consumer price index 133,54
9 to 10 104,71 € 88,04 €
11 to 25 209,43 € 124,74 €
26 to 50 314,15 € 234,80 €
51 to 100 418,86 € 381,54 €
101 to 200 680,66 € 528,30 €
201 to 500 1.308,93 € 1.262,04 €
501 to 1000 1.884,86 € 2.436,03 €
Each additional 100 FTE 261,79 € 220,12 €


In order to calculate the fee due, we use the total number of FTEs on the social balance sheet of the year n-1. From this number you may deduct the number of transport permits you hold. This gives you the reduced number of FTEs, which we will use to calculate the fee due.   

If the reduced number of FTEs is less than nine, you don’t have to pay anything for the use of music in the workplace.

A few examples:

1. You employ 7 FTEs. You are exempt and do not have to pay any fee.

2. You employ 11 FTEs. You do not have any transport permits. Tranche ‘11 to 25’ FTEs applies.

3. You employ 12 FTEs. You have 5 transport permits, which you may deduct from the number of FTEs. The reduced number of FTEs is thus 7, meaning you are exempt and do not have to pay any fee.

4. You employ 26 FTEs. You have 10 transport permits, which you may deduct from the number of FTEs. The reduced number of FTEs is 16, so tranche ’11 to 25’ FTEs applies.



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